"What Do the European Parliament Elections Mean for Gender Equality in Europe and Beyond"
In June of 2024 I contributed an article to Ms. Magazine.com in which I analyze the gains made by far-right parties in the recent European Parliament election and the potential effects on gender equality. Read my article HERE.

Ambassadors Up-Close: Spotlight on the Western Balkans
As an affiliate faculty member of AU's Transatlantic Policy Center, in February of 2024 I co-moderated a discussion with H.E. Ervin Bushati, Ambassador of Albania to the United States, and H.E. Ilir Dugolli, Ambassador of Kosovo to the United States. They offered their insights on accession to the European Union, relations with Serbia, China and Russia, and current challenges for their countries, the Western Balkans, and transatlantic relations.

The Vatican, LGBT Rights, and the Anti-Gender Movement
In December of 2023 Pope Francis formally approved blessings for same-sex civil unions and, around the same time, the Vatican released a document outlining the inclusion of transgender people in Catholic sacraments. I commented on these recent developments focusing on LGBTQ+ rights and the anti-gender movement in an interview for the School of International Service at AU's News Section. See my answers HERE.

"‘Gender’ Is at the Core of Attacks on Democracy in the U.S. and Abroad"
In July of 2023 I contributed an article to Ms. Magazine focusing on the role that gender has played in attacks on democracy in the U.S. and Europe. I explain how Slovak feminist are resisting the anti-democratic trends in their country and how their tactics could be applicable tin the U.S. Read my article HERE.

“A Queer History of Communism: Navigating Sexuality and Gender in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1989”
In December of 2022, I contributed an analytic review of Queer Encounters with Communist Power: Non-heterosexual Lives and the State in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1989 by Vera Sokolova to East European Journal of Feminist and Queer Studies. Click HERE to read my review.

“Eastern Europe’s Anti-Gender Movement and What It Means for America”
In June 2021, I contributed an article to Ms. Magazine on the anti-gender movement in Eastern Europe and what it means for American. Click HERE to read my article.

Americans and Czechs Against Sexual Violence
In March of 2019 I organized Americans and Czechs Against Sexual Violence: A Symposium in Solidarity, held at the American Center as an outreach program for the American Embassy in Prague.

“Want To Be A Modern Sophisticated Girl? Do Not Complain. Is Slovakia In A Post-feminist Era?”
In my article published in the online feminist zine Feminist.FYI, I draw on cultural theorist Angela McRobbie's conception of post-feminism to examine the ways in which notions of femininity and capitalism have intersected in post-communist Slovakia. I ask, is Slovakia in a post-feminist era having by-passed the radical feminist era of the mid-twentieth century experienced in Western countries? Click HERE to read my full article.

"Attempted assassination of Slovak prime minister follows country’s slide into political polarization"
In May of 2024 I contributed an article to The Conversation focusing on the political context in Slovakia surrounding the assassination attempt against Prime Minister Robert Fico. Read my article HERE.

2023 Elections in Slovakia and Poland
In October 2023, I provided commentary on the national elections in Slovakia and Poland for the School of International Service at AU, focusing on the role of pro-democracy activists and what the elections mean for the future of gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights in the countries. To read my commentary on the election in Slovakia, click HERE. To read my commentary on the election in Poland, click HERE.

Research Article “Do Czech Women Need ‘Gender’?: A Conceptual History of ‘Gender’ in Czechia”
In my article published in July 2023, I utilize a postcolonial feminist lens to examine the concept of ‘gender’ in Czechia, drawing attention to the role played by Czech academics, activists and policymakers in negotiating the use of the term ‘gender’.Click HERE to read my article.

Research Article “Gendering Violence in the Age of Anti-Genderism: Feminist Framing of Violence Against Women in Slovakia”
My article published in May 2023 examines the collective action frames of violence against women put forth by women’s organizations in the gender equality community in Slovakia during the current period of heightened conservative activism against gender and sexual equality. Click HERE to read my article.

“Amid the Russian Invasion, Ukraine Stands up for Gender Equality”
In July 2022, I contributed an article to Ms. Magazine on Ukraine's ratification of the Istanbul Convention. Click HERE to read my article.

“Combating Violence Against Women in the Czech Republic: Beyond the Coronavirus”
In May 2020, I served as a guest contributor to the Brno Daily. I follow-up on an article reporting on the increase in domestic violence due to the coronavirus pandemic. I examine the situation in the Czech Republic in more detail and explain why it is essential that domestic violence is seen in the wider context of gender-based violence. Click HERE to read my article.

Sex Trafficking and Gender Violence
In February of 2020, I served on the expert panel " Sex Trafficking And Gender Violence" hosted by UF's Intersections Mellon Group, Ethics in the Public Sphere.